Ahoy Pirates

What I think about pirates: a letter from Heather…….

It didn’t take more than a few days for my publisher to find out that  “Faith, Grief and Pass the Chocolate Pudding” was being sold for triple the price on an Amazon store site, was being sold as “used” for double the price, and was being pirated and offered for free on some illegal sites.

It is, of course, strangely flattering that someone would want this book badly enough to pay close to $50 for one copy, or that they’d want it so much that they’d do whatever they needed to get it for free, even if it meant getting it from an illegal site. I put this tab on our website because I hope that everyone will avoid piracy, and I want to make it simple for that to happen.

The book is, indeed, available on Amazon and can be ordered through bookstores, using the ISBN number. I have high hopes that in the next few months there will be a large number of bookstores that will actually carry the book.  However, the book price is $12.00. (Plus shipping.)  If you are being asked to pay more than that, please contact me at heatherwallacerey1@gmail.com and I will make sure you get a copy at that price.

I’m not a fan of piracy…it’s not a good thing… on the open seas, or in the book market.

That being said, this book was written to help people who are surviving grief to know they are not alone, and to have something to read that would let them know that someone else has been where they are, and that grief gets less awful.

“Faith, Grief and Pass the Chocolate Pudding” was not written to make money….and….to that end, I’d like to discourage piracy.  If you are grieving and things are so financially difficult that you cannot pay for the book, I’d ask that you please not resort to piracy.  If you need the book and you cannot afford it, I will make sure you get a copy, at no cost.  Again, please email heatherwallacerey1@gmail.com and I will make sure that happens.

The goal here is to help people: specifically those who are grieving or experiencing loss. I would do anything in my power to make sure that everyone out there who has suffered losses like mine would breathe a little easier, simply by reading this book.

Don’t ever resort to piracy. Just send me an email.

“Shiver Me Timbers” and other affectionate closing salutations,
